Hey Alan, I'm running into the same issue as you and I believe I've figured it out.
I noticed that consumer partitions on the destination cluster that have a LOG-END-OFFSET=0 all exhibit this issue. It looks like Mirrormaker's offset sync does not work correctly if the partition is empty. Instead of setting the destination's offset to 0 for these empty partitions, it sets destination's offset to the same numerical value as the source's offset. If you now send a message to these partitions, making them non-empty, the offset will still not update until the "correct" offset is greater than the offset on the partition. The only workaround I've found is to make these partitions non-empty, then delete the consumer group on the destination cluster and let Mirrormaker resync it. Hope this helps, Frank On 2021/03/15 21:59:03, Alan Ning <a...@gmail.com> wrote: > I am running MirrorMaker 2 (Kafka 2.7), trying to migrate all topics from> > one cluster to another while preserving through> > `sync.group.offsets.enabled=true`. My source cluster is running Kafka 0.10,> > while the target cluster is running 2.6.1.> > > While I can see data being replicated, the data on the replicated Consumer> > Group in the target cluster looks wrong. The lag values of the replicated> > Consumer Group are large negative values, and the LOG-END-OFFSET are mostly> > 0. I determined this information from kafka-consumer-groups.sh.> > > I checked the kafka_consumer_consumer_fetch_manager_metrics_records_lag JMX> > metrics in MM2 and the reported lag is zero for all partitions.> > > By using `sync.group.offsets.enabled=true`, I envisioned that MM2 will> > automatically replicate and sync all Consumer Groups with a meaningful> > offset in the target cluster. Am I misunderstanding how MM2 is supposed to> > work?> > > Here is my mm2.properties and the CG details.> > > # mm2.properties> > ```> > clusters = src, dst> > src.bootstrap.servers => > dst.bootstrap.servers => > src->dst.enabled = true> > src->dst.topics = compute.*> > src->dst.offset.flush.timeout.ms=60000> > src->dst.buffer.memory=10000> > dst->src.enabled = true> > dst->src.topics = .*> > replication.factor=3> > src->dst.sync.group.offsets.enabled = true> > src->dst.emit.checkpoints.enabled = true> > src->dst.consumer.auto.offset.reset=latest> > consumer.auto.offset.reset = latest> > auto.offset.reset = latest> > replication.policy.class => > com.amazonaws.kafka.samples.CustomMM2ReplicationPolicy> > checkpoints.topic.replication.factor=3> > heartbeats.topic.replication.factor=3> > offset-syncs.topic.replication.factor=3> > offset.storage.replication.factor=3> > status.storage.replication.factor=3> > config.storage.replication.factor=3> > sync.topic.acls.enabled = false> > sync.group.offsets.enabled = true> > emit.checkpoints.enabled = true> > tasks.max = 8> > dst.producer.offset.flush.timeout.ms = 60000> > dst.offset.flush.timeout.ms = 60000> > ```> > > Consumer Group details> > ```> > GROUP TOPIC> > PARTITION CURRENT-OFFSET LOG-END-OFFSET LAG> > CONSUMER-ID HOST CLIENT-ID> > kafka-group-Compute-Requests Compute-Requests 57 5305947 0> > -5305947 - - -> > kafka-group-Compute-Requests Compute-Requests 20 5164205 0> > -5164205 - - -> > kafka-group-Compute-Requests Compute-Requests 53 4208527 0> > -4208527 - - -> > kafka-group-Compute-Requests Compute-Requests 82 5247928 0> > -5247928 - - -> > kafka-group-Compute-Requests Compute-Requests 65 5574520 0> > -5574520 - - -> > kafka-group-Compute-Requests Compute-Requests 11 5190708> > 209 -5190499 - - -> > ```> > > Thanks> > > ... Alan> >