
First time writing to this list, so excuse me if I am not following some 
conventions 😉

I am developing software using Kafka since about two years and normally I run 
the whole setup on my laptop including running Kafka in Docker to be able to 
test easily and this has been working fine.

Now, however last week I had some trouble where I had to make a hard reboot of 
my laptop (a Macbook Pro) and after that I have had strange problems.

Kafka starts up in the container nicely without errors but I cannot connect to 
The client can connect initially and then the connection fails with different 
errors depending on the client I use.

I know, it’s a classic problem superficially and I have read the confluent 
 and ran the client etc…
The error python_kafka_test_client.py gives me is:
%6|1616487438.952|FAIL|rdkafka#consumer-3| [thrd:GroupCoordinator]: 
GroupCoordinator: localhost:9092: Disconnected (after 0ms in state 
Message received:  "foo / 2021-03-23 09:17:17" from topic test_topic

However the kicker here is that this all worked great before, before my reboot, 
with the same clients and the same settings.
Additionally, I have re-installed Docker and I even ran Kafka outside Docker 
(using brew) and EVEN started Kafka on a different (private) laptop and I get 
the SAME errors when trying to connect to it as well!
(yes I verified that I CAN connect nicely to that Kafka locally on the other 

Here are some sample log lines from one of our Spring Boot apps trying to 
connect to my local Kafka:

2021-03-22 18:51:55.926 
[org.springframework.kafka.KafkaListenerEndpointContainer#0-1-C-1] WARN 
org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient - [Consumer clientId=persister-v2-1, 
groupId=persister-v2] Error while fetching metadata with correlation id 2 : 

2021-03-22 18:51:55.926 
[org.springframework.kafka.KafkaListenerEndpointContainer#0-1-C-1] INFO 
org.apache.kafka.clients.Metadata - [Consumer clientId=persister-v2-1, 
groupId=persister-v2] Cluster ID: qfvGlr0JRNC-JrBrONM-vQ

2021-03-22 18:51:55.956 
[org.springframework.kafka.KafkaListenerEndpointContainer#0-4-C-1] WARN 
org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient - [Consumer clientId=persister-v2-4, 
groupId=persister-v2] Error while fetching metadata with correlation id 2 : 

2021-03-22 18:51:55.956 
[org.springframework.kafka.KafkaListenerEndpointContainer#0-4-C-1] INFO 
org.apache.kafka.clients.Metadata - [Consumer clientId=persister-v2-4, 
groupId=persister-v2] Cluster ID: qfvGlr0JRNC-JrBrONM-vQ

Also, some sample errors from other clients I tried with trial versions etc:
KaDeck 3.1.2 – Får ”Could not complete ListTopics action: connection could not 
be established. Timeout exception: Timed out waiting for node assignment”
Conductor – “The broker [localhost: 9092] is reachable but Kafka can’t connect. 
Ensure you have access to the *advertised listeners* of the brokers and the 
proper authorizations”

The odd thing is that ALL the other services that I start in Docker I can 
connect nicely too (Cassandra, Mysql, MongoDb etc)?!?

I suspect this is something related to my network locally on my laptop that has 
become messed up/corrupted?

So technically this is not a Kafka issue in itself, but I need help/tips on how 
to troubleshoot and get to the root of this.
I even tried using Wireshark to look into the traffic, but its hard to see 
anything useful since the traffic is binary and I am neither a Wireshark expert 
nor expert on Kafka protocol (obviously).

I have tried turning off my firewall and also did several reboots and 
re-installs of software etc.

Can anyone help point me in a useful direction to solve this?
Any tips on how to trace and figure out exactly where things goes wrong?

I am really dependent on using Kafka locally for testing and I really am a bit 
My next desperate step could be to just wipe and re-install my laptop, but that 
could make me unproductive for several days… ☹

Best regards,
Kent Närling

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