Hi all,

The PMC for Apache Kafka has invited Tom Bentley as a committer, and
we are excited to announce that he accepted!

Tom first contributed to Apache Kafka in June 2017 and has been
actively contributing since February 2020.
He has accumulated 52 commits and worked on a number of KIPs. Here are
some of the most significant ones:
   KIP-183: Change PreferredReplicaLeaderElectionCommand to use AdminClient
   KIP-195: AdminClient.createPartitions
   KIP-585: Filter and Conditional SMTs
   KIP-621: Deprecate and replace DescribeLogDirsResult.all() and .values()
   KIP-707: The future of KafkaFuture (still in discussion)

In addition, he is very active on the mailing list and has helped
review many KIPs.

Congratulations Tom and thanks for all the contributions!

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