
To stream data from kafka topic to Google BigQuery, i see some references


However, this sounds like being depreciated.

Currently we can stream directory through Spark Structured Streaming with

                     writeStream. \
                     outputMode('append'). \
                     option("truncate", "false"). \
                     foreachBatch(SendToBigQuery). \

This will use Spark-BigQuery API which isd pretty efficient .

I was looking at the Kafka connector for BigQuery and it appears that some
documents may not be the latest. For example


For example in the past Aerospike (NoSql database vendor) provided
connector for us and we just used the command

$KAFKA_HOME/bin/connect-standalone.sh \

/opt/aerospike-kafka-connect-sink/etc/connect-standalone.properties \


The templates for those two property files were provided (plus jars) and we
updated them accordingly to get the stream going directly from Kafka to the
Aerospike table.

Can anyone point out to the latest version of kafka connector to Bigquery

Many thanks,


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