
No, CPU increase shouldn't be there. Upgrades usually bring lower CPU usage.

And yes, I followed the upgrade protocol as it is described in the
documentation, I got the CPU increase when I upgraded the 1st instance as
the first step.


On Fri, 26 Feb 2021 at 18:35, Jhanssen Fávaro <jhanssenfav...@gmail.com>

> Hi Peter,
> I am on the same, a lot of questions about the Kafka's upgrade process. But
> looks like tha this CPU Increase is expected, at least while you don't
> finish every broker upgrade.
> In this case, when you say you didn't change the version, you say that for
> any brokers right ?
> Basically, you should upgrade the binaries in every broker, but before the
> restart, change its configuration to reflect your old version.
>    - inter.broker.protocol.version=2.4.1
>    - log.message.format.version=2.4.1
> And so, after you finish every host/broker binary upgrade
> and clients(consumers/producers upgrades its .jars/library versions to
> 2.6.1) you should just put a comment on those lines versions(log and
> inter.broker.vesion) for each of the brokers and restart one by one.
> Thats what I understood reading the documentation:
> https://kafka.apache.org/documentation/#upgrade
> Best Regards!
> On Fri, Feb 26, 2021 at 2:19 PM Péter Sinóros-Szabó
> <peter.sinoros-sz...@transferwise.com.invalid> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I just upgraded from Kafka 2.4.1 to 2.6.1 and I see huge CPU usage on the
> > broker after the upgrade. Upgrade in this case means that I only bumped
> the
> > broker version on 1 of the brokers out of the 6 and didn't change the
> > protocol or message format versions. Before the upgrade, it used about
> 35%
> > CPUs. After the upgrade it uses 200% but if I add two more CPUs to the
> > host, it is happy to use about 350%.
> >
> > I tried 2.5.1 and 2.7.0 versions too. All of those versions show the
> same.
> >
> > Any idea what may be wrong?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Peter
> >

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