If you create a new consumer inside the assign method (and assuming you
start polling with it so that it sends the JoinGroup request), then yes, it
would need a
new rebalance to accommodate this consumer. The group coordinator will
inform all the
existing members to rejoin the group so that the rebalance can proceed with
the latest
up-to-date view of the current group.

On Wed, Feb 24, 2021 at 7:58 AM Mazen Ezzeddine <
mazen.ezzedd...@etu.univ-cotedazur.fr> wrote:

> I am running a Kafka cluster on Kubernetes. I am implementing a custom
> PartitionAssignor to personalize the way topic partitions are assigned to
> existing consumers in the consumer group. To this end, I am overriding the
> method Map<String, Assignment> assign( Cluster metadata, Map<String,
> Subscription> subscriptions)
> If inside the assign method I dynamically created a new consumer through
> the Kubernetes client APIs, how would the rebalancing protocol behave in
> such case. Precisely, when the newly created consumer send a joinGroup
> request to the group coordinator(while the rebalancing process is still in
> progress), would the current in progress rebalancing completes, and then a
> new rebalance process is triggered to accommodate for the newly created
> consumer?
> Thanks.

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