one of the commiters changed all maven builds to gradle and now there are fails 
that produce non-traceable error codes like 137
unfortunately he didnt test all gradle scenarios so this individual released a 
build whose untested scenarios that error out

java - Why are my Gradle builds dying with exit-code 137? - Stack 
java - Why are my Gradle builds dying with exit-code 137? - Stack 
I've had similar issue on DigitalOcean's server, my gradle build failed 
completely on test stage with very similar stacktrace and without a single test 
being executed.. It is stated in Gradle docs that gradle daemon should not be 
run in CI environments.So I just added --no-daemon to my build command and 
everything worked well and good. Also stopping daemon with ./gradlew --stop has 
been useful ...
gradle daemons wont run in CI containers please add

./gradlew build --no-daemon

Please let me know your results
From: Stephin Thomas <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 3, 2021 2:58 AM
To: <>
Subject: Re: Unable to run unit tests inside a docker container

@Martin Thank you for your response.
I do not have much knowledge of the code base for Kafka. I was trying to
use the upstream code as it is. As you suggested I tried to increase the
timeout, and it got worked and network tests got passed. Still, the build
got failed with some other error. (Process 'Gradle Test Executor 12'
finished with non-zero exit value 137).
Full logs can be seen here
Is that something related to container setup?  The build was
successful when I tried running the test locally on my machine. Is there
any minimum memory requirement for the container?

Thank you in advance,
- Stephin

On Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 4:16 PM Martin Gainty <> wrote:

> there are 2 things you will notice from your stacktrace
> consumerClient = new ConsumerNetworkClient(client, metadata, time, 100,
> 1000);
> your 10k request timeout is too short
> so why not increase 10000ms  to something more reasonable
> the specific testcase (which i do not have) is trying to decompress an
> image when testcase = CompressionType.NONE
>  private MemoryRecords records =
> MemoryRecords.emptyRecords(ByteBuffer.allocate(1024),
> CompressionType.NONE);    private MemoryRecords nextRecords =
> MemoryRecords.emptyRecords(ByteBuffer.allocate(1024), CompressionType.NONE);
> so why is your FetcherTest testcase attempting to decompress a record
> whose contained Image has no Compression?
> (I am admittedly more of a redhat guy than docker expert)
> ________________________________
> From: Stephin Thomas <>
> Sent: Tuesday, February 2, 2021 9:11 AM
> To: <>
> Subject: Unable to run unit tests inside a docker container
> Hi,
> I have cloned the apache-Kafka repo inside a docker container that has java
> 11 installed on it and on running the ./gradlew uniTest command I'm
> getting build failure with failing network tests.
> The logs from the container are uploaded here
> Could someone guide me on how to run the unit tests inside a docker
> container?
> Thanks and Regards,
> -Stephin


*Thanks and Regards,*

*Stephin Rachel Thomas*
Quality Engineer, Managed Application Services

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