Hi YG, it seems current Kafka Connect already provided simple REST endpoint for 
connector and task level status (running / stopped / ....): 

Is there any other info about Kafka Connect you care about?

On 2020/12/31 19:36:38, YG Che <che.yongg...@gmail.com> wrote: 
> Hi, I'd like to add a REST Endpoint for Health check in our Kafka Connect 
> application. 
> One way to do that is to implement ConnectRestExtension interface, but the 
> problem is only ConnectRestExtensionContext will be passed in to the class, 
> there is so few info contained in ConnectClusterState.
> Is there a way to add a REST Endpoint easily? Ideally I'd like to pass in the 
> Herder object, from there I can get most of the Kafka status. I'd also like 
> to reuse the RestServer from Kafka as we implemented some security patch to 
> it, don't want to create a new RestServer/JettyServer, that will be too 
> heavyweight for this task. Thanks.

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