I'm answering to my own mail and would like to hear if this assumption is correct. it looks like I need 2.7.0 to have the automatic translation. https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-545%3A+support+automated+consumer+offset+sync+across+clusters+in+MM+2.0 for earlier versions, there is no way to use the console client but use java API RemoteClusterUtils.translateOffsets() to get the offset and re-consuming from the new topic. Is this correct?
El jue, 17 dic 2020 a las 21:18, Aki Yoshida (<elak...@gmail.com>) escribió: > > Hi, > I have a question regarding how to migrate a consumer when the > subscribing topic has been migrated to the target Kafka broker. > Suppose a consumer is consuming from topic1 at the source Kafka > broker. When MM2 mirrors this topic using options > source.cluster.alias="", replication.policy.separator="", topic named > topic1 shows up at the target Kafka broker. > > When the consumer instance simply switches the bootstrap server to > start consuming from this topic1 at the target broker, the consumer > seems to start subscribing from the latest offset. I thought the > consumer offsets were also migrated to the target and the consumer > could simply start subscribing from the mirrored topic from the > continued offset. Did I miss some configuration parameters or does the > consumer need to perform some actions to be able to consume the > records seamlessly? > > I appreciate for your help. Thanks. > > regards, aki