Hi there,

We would like to propose La Redoute to appear as users and "powered by" Apache 
Kafka : https://kafka.apache.org/powered-by

We have using for more than 2 years now, here the proposed text also for 
evaluation on your end, in attachment various logos formats,

La Redoute, the digital platform for families, uses Kafka as a central nervous 
system to decouple its application through business events.

Thus, enabling a decentralized event-driven architecture bringing 
near-real-time data reporting, analytics and emerging AI-pipelines combining 
Kafka Connect, Kafka Streams and KSQL.

Hoping this was the right email to send to,


Esta mensagem, e quaisquer anexos (a "mensagem"), ? dirigida unicamente aos 
seus destinat?rios e ? confidencial. Se receber esta mensagem por engano, por 
favor elimine-a e notifique imediatamente o remetente. Qualquer uso que n?o 
esteja de acordo com seu prop?sito, qualquer dissemina??o ou revela??o, total 
ou parcial, ? proibido exceto com aprova??o formal. A Internet n?o pode 
garantir a integridade desta mensagem. A La Redoute (e suas subsidi?rias) n?o 
dever? (ir?) portanto responsabilizar-se pela mensagem se esta for modificada. 
This message and any attachments are strictly confidential and intended solely 
for the addressees. If you have received this message in error please delete it 
and notify the sender immediately. Any dissemination or disclosure, either 
whole or partial, is prohibited except formal approval of the sender. Best 
efforts are made in order to keep this message free of virus, but integrity of 
this message is not guaranteed through the Internet : it could have been 
altered or falsified. The views or opinions presented here are solely of the 
author and do not necessarily represent those of the Enterprise. Its content 
cannot bind La Redoute.

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