Hi Nitay,

What version of Kafka are you running? If you could also give the topology
you're using that would be great. Do you have a sense of if the lag is
happening on all partitions or just a few? Also if you're using rocksDB
there are some rocksDB metrics in newer versions of Kafka that could be
helpful for diagnosing the issue.


On Mon, Dec 7, 2020 at 8:59 AM Nitay Kufert <nita...@ironsrc.com> wrote:

> Hey,
> We are running a kafka-stream based app in production where the input,
> intermediate and global topics have 36 partitions.
> We have 17 sub-tasks (2 of them are for global stores so they won't
> generate tasks).
> More tech details:
> 6 machines with 16cpu's, 30 threads so: 6 * 30 = 180 stream-threads
> 15 * 36 = 540 tasks
> 3 tasks per thread
> Every once in a while, during our rush-hours, some of the internal topics,
> on specific partitions, start to lag - the lag usually keeps increasing
> until i restart the application - and the lag disappears very quickly.
> It seems like there is some problem in the work allocation since the
> machines are not loaded at all, and have enough threads (more than double
> the cpu's).
> Any idea what's going on there?
> --
> Nitay Kufert
> Backend Team Leader
> [image: ironSource] <http://www.ironsrc.com>
> email nita...@ironsrc.com
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> skype nitay.kufert.ssa
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