KafkaStreams can only connect to a single cluster.

If you really need to read from one cluster and write to another, you
have 3 main options:

 - use KafkaStreams on the source cluster and mirror the output topic
from the source to the target cluster

 - mirror the input topic from the source cluster to the target cluster
and use KafkaStreams on the target cluster

 - don't use KafkaStreams but plain consumer/producer


On 12/1/20 10:58 AM, Eric Beabes wrote:
> I need to read from a topic in one bootstrap server & write it to another
> topic in another bootstrap server. Since there's only one
> StreamsConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG property, I am wondering how to
> accomplish this?
> Do I need to create 2 different KafkaStreams objects? One for reading & the
> other for writing?

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