Congratulations David!

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> On Oct 16, 2020, at 9:01 AM, Gwen Shapira <> wrote:
> The PMC for Apache Kafka has invited David Jacot as a committer, and
> we are excited to say that he accepted!
> David Jacot has been contributing to Apache Kafka since July 2015 (!)
> and has been very active since August 2019. He contributed several
> notable KIPs:
> KIP-511: Collect and Expose Client Name and Version in Brokers
> KIP-559: Make the Kafka Protocol Friendlier with L7 Proxies:
> KIP-570: Add leader epoch in StopReplicaReques
> KIP-599: Throttle Create Topic, Create Partition and Delete Topic Operations
> KIP-496 Added an API for the deletion of consumer offsets
> In addition, David Jacot reviewed many community contributions and
> showed great technical and architectural taste. Great reviews are hard
> and often thankless work - but this is what makes Kafka a great
> product and helps us grow our community.
> Thanks for all the contributions, David! Looking forward to more
> collaboration in the Apache Kafka community.
> -- 
> Gwen Shapira

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