Kia ora,

I am rather bemused by this one, I'll admit. Kafka version 2.4.0. We've
been migrating topic-partitions from old broker machines to new brokers,
have redistributed replicas evenly across the new brokers, removed the old
brokers, and tried to run a preferred leader election.

And when I did that, I got a "LeaderElectionNotNeededException", which I
really disagree with, as two brokers out of six have 41% of partition

I wonder if it's rack awareness messing with us or something? We are
running two brokers in three AZs/racks with correctly configured rack.ids,
but what are the origins of a "LeaderElectionNotNeededException"? And for
the love of God, where is the parameter in the admin client for "I
significantly disagree".

Kind regards,

Liam Clarke-Hutchinson

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