Hi, If you are using the official Java clients:
(1) Partition assignments are performed on the client side. You could check the interface named ConsumerPartitionAssignor or PartitionAssignor ( deprecated in 2.4 ) for customized partition assignments. (2) You could implement the ConsumerPartitionAssignor interface and pass whatever vars you want (3) You could manually assign to your consumers. Check the KafkaConsumer#assign(Collection) on the Consumer interface; This method doesn't use the consumer's group managements On Mon, 12 Oct 2020 at 23:30, Mazen Ezzeddine <mazen.ezzedd...@gmail.com> wrote: > When a new Kafka consumer joins/leaves a consumer group, Kafka runtime > triggers a rebalancing process so that a new assignment/mapping of > partitions to the new set of consumers is performed. I kindly have three > questions on the rebalancing process: > > (1) Is it possible to plug in somehow a custom rebalancing algorithm, > other than the ones already implemented? > > (2) Is it possible to pass an external variable to the custom algorithm? > > (3) Is it possible to dynamically and selectively launch a rebalancing > process, other than the known cases (such as when consumer leaves, join > etc..) >