Hello Cedric,

My 2 cents :

We use Kafka alot but mostly for messaging and event streaming purpose.
Using Kafka as Database is not a usecase i would look Kafka for. Ofcourse
you can use it to store some intermediate states but having it as "system
of records" would be stretched use case for Kafka.

Best Regards,

On Wed, Sep 2, 2020, 9:31 PM cedric sende lubuele <sende.ced...@hotmail.com>

> Let me introduce myself, my name is Cedric and I am a network engineer
> passionate about new technologies and as part of my new activity, I am
> interested in Big Data. Currently, I live in Africa (Congo) and as everyone
> knows, Africa is very late in terms of IT infrastructure (the Cloud is
> difficult, we work a lot on premise).
> While doing some research, I came across Kai Waehner's article (Kafka
> replace database?<
> https://www.kai-waehner.de/blog/2020/03/12/can-apache-kafka-replace-database-acid-storage-%20transactions-sql-nosql-data-lake%20/>)
> and I would like to be able to get an idea about the possibilities of Kafka.
> Let me explain, I am working on a project for integrating several
> databases (MySQL, MongoDB, Neo4j, ...) and I have to develop with my team,
> an alert system which must detect anomalies on different criteria linked to
> a person in the various departments of the company.
> Would Kafka be a good solution in order to centralize all the data and
> create several analysis scripts to detect an anomaly and send back an alert
> message such as for example a suspect wanted by the police?
> Thank you in advance
> Sende Cedric / Network IT
> sende.ced...@hotmail.com<mailto:sende.ced...@hotmail.com> / 082/8446954
> http://upsail.co/<https://htmlsig.com/t/000001BFBBXF>
> [http://upsail.co/wp-content/themes/upsail/images/logo.png]

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