
I came across articles where it is explained how parallelism is handled in
kafka streams. This is what I collected:
When the streams application is reading from multiple topics, the topic
with maximum number of partitions is considered for instantiating stream
tasks so 1 task is instantiated per partition.
Now, if the stream task is reading from multiple topics then the partitions
of multiple topics are shared among those stream tasks.

For example, Topic A and B has 5 partitions each then 5 tasks are
instantiated and assigned to 5 stream threads where each task is assigned 1
partition from Topic A and Topic B.

The question here is : if I would want 1 task to be created for each
partition from the input topic then is this possible? e.g. I would want to
have 5 tasks for topic A and 5 for B and then would want 10 threads to
handle those. How can this be achieved?

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