Hello, We're building a JSON decorator using Kafka Streams' processing API.
The process is briefly that a piece of JSON should be consumed from an input topic (keys are null, value is the JSON). The JSON contains a field (e.g. "thisField") with a value (e.g. "someLink") . This value (and a timestamp) is used to look-up another piece JSON from a key-value topic (keys are all the different values of "thisField", values are JSON). This key-value topic is created by another service in Kafka. This additional piece of JSON then gets appended to the input JSON and the result gets written to an output topic (keys are null, value is now the original JSON + lookup JSON). To do the query against a key-value store, ideally I want Kafka Streams to directly create and update a window key-value store in memory (or disk) from my key-value topic in Kafka, but I am unable to find a way to specify this through the StoreBuilder interface. Does anybody know how to do this? Here is my current Storebuilder code snippet: StoreBuilder<WindowStore<String, String>> storeBuilder = Stores.windowStoreBuilder( Stores.persistentWindowStore("loopkupStore", Duration.ofDays(14600), Duration.ofDays(14600), false), Serdes.String(), Serdes.String()); storeBuilder.build(); Currently my workaround is to have a sink for the key-value store and then create/update this key-value store using a node in the processing topology, but this has issues when restarting the service, i.e. when the service is restarted, the key-value store topic needs to be consumed from the start to rebuild the store in memory, but the sink would have written commit offsets which prevents the topic to be consumed from the start. I also cannot use streams.cleanUp() as this will reset all the sinks in my topology (y other sink ingests records from the input topic). Thanks Pirow Engelbrecht System Engineer E. pirow.engelbre...@etion.co.za<file:///C:/Users/adm_rudolph/Desktop/em...@etion.co.za> T. +27 12 678 9740 (ext. 9879) M. +27 63 148 3376 76 Regency Drive | Irene | Centurion | 0157<https://goo.gl/maps/v9ZbwjqpPyL2> www.etion.co.za<https://www.parsec.co.za/> [cid:image001.jpg@01D67637.6A057630]<https://www.parsec.co.za/> Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/Etion-Limited-2194612947433812?_rdc=1&_rdr> | YouTube<https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUY-5oeACtLk2uTsEjZCU6A> | LinkedIn<https://www.linkedin.com/company/etionltd> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/Etionlimited> | Instagram<https://www.instagram.com/Etionlimited/>