Your understanding is correct.

On 8/16/20 10:25 PM, Liam Clarke-Hutchinson wrote:
> Kia ora koutou katoa,
> Just double checking my understanding - the RecordMetadata returned by a
> producer send returns an offset for the record - is it the actual offset of
> the record on the partition, or the next offset? Reading the code indicates
> it was the actual offset.
> And likewise, when I call getOffset on a ConsumerRecord, if I'm reading the
> comments in the code correctly, it was the offset of that record, not the
> next offset.
> As opposed to consumer.position which will return the next offset (and how
> when offsets are committed, it's the next offset to read).
> Am I correct in my understanding?
> Kind regards,
> Liam Clarke-Hutchinson

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