Hi We, OTICS Advanced Analytics Inc. (www.otics.ca), are a AI/ML software company that helps to operationalize AI solutions with our MAADS (Multi-Agent Accelerator for Data Science) family of products. We are using Kafka in innovative ways to help our clients operationalize and scale AI solutions.
Specifically, we use Kafka with our VIPER<https://www.linkedin.com/posts/sebastianmaurice_maads-viper-whitepaper-activity-6694259140312743936-00VR> product to manage thousands of machine learning algorithms created by MAADS and also use Kafka to publish and consume insights from these algorithms. We also use Kafka for Real-Time Machine Learning together with our VIPER and HPDE<https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6665722101082787840/> products to create micro machine learning models to provide clients with transactional learnings very fast. In Canada, we are the only company that can provide the above products and services that is tightly integrated with Apache Kafka. We would be pleased if you can add us to the list of companies here: https://kafka.apache.org/powered-by. We are very strong advocates of Apache Kafka and its been an amazing technology partner for our company. We are also official partners of Confluent.io. Thanks Sebastian Maurice, PhD Founder and CTO OTICS Advanced Analytics Inc. Toronto, Ontario sebastian.maur...@otics.ca | www.otics.ca | Find Us on LinkedIn<http://linkedin.com/company/otics-ml>