Hi All, According to this: https://docs.confluent.io/current/kafka/deployment.html vm.max_map_count is depend on number of index file: *find /tmp/kafka_logs -name '*index' | wc -l*
In our test lab we have next setup: *Topic:test PartitionCount:256 ReplicationFactor:2 Configs:segment.bytes=1073741824,retention.ms <http://retention.ms>=86400000,message.format.version=2.3-IV1,max.message.bytes=4194304,unclean.leader.election.enable=true* No cleanup.policy set explicitly for topic or in server.properties so I assume default: delete according to https://kafka.apache.org/23/documentation.html#brokerconfigs I did a small script that counted the number of index files and for this topic it is: ~638000. Also if I check kafka log/data dir it contain some old log/index files create date for which is older than 10 days.(retention for topic is one day) Note: When i checked log-cleaner.log it contains info only about cleanup for compacted logs. In order to set: vm.max_map_count value correctly, I need to understand the following: Why do such old index/log files exist and not cleaned? How properly set vm.max_map_count if index/logs is not freed on time ?? Regards, Vitalii.