Hi there,

I'm getting lot of this type of warning:

 WARN org.apache.kafka.streams.kstream.internals.KTableSource - Detected
out-of-order KTable update for entity-STATE-STORE-0000000000 at offset
65806, partition 5.

It looks like the warning is generated each time a new record goes into the
source topic which is being used to load a globalKTable, and only happens
when the source topic is updated very frequently (each second).

I would like to know what is the meaning of that warning, maybe I'm not
loading the Ktable correctly.

My process is basically a simple enrichment process (Using Kafka 2.4):

 GlobalKTable<String, String> entity = builder.globalTable(entityTopic);

 KStream<String, String> joined = dataStream.join(entity,

                (leftKey, leftValue) -> leftKey,



The entityTopic and the topic used by dataStream, are sharing the same key
type (username),
and the entityTopic is receiving entries from another process very

Do you think those warning messages are because of the way I'm creating the

Richard Rossel
Atlanta - GA

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