HI Sebastian,
  I would check for that
where it says:

This plugin uses Kafka Client 2.1.0. For broker compatibility, see the
official Kafka compatibility reference
If the linked compatibility wiki is not up-to-date, please contact Kafka
support/community to confirm compatibility.

With this in mind, I don't see how the logstash plugin could not work with
Kafka 2.5, but the best place to ask, could probably be directly to the

I hope this helps,

-- Pere

Missatge de Sebastjan Vodušek <sebas.vodu...@gmail.com> del dia dl., 6 de
jul. 2020 a les 15:23:

> Hello,
> does anyone know if latest Logstash 7.8 input plugin is compatible with
> latest Kafka 2.5.0?
> Thank you and best regards,
> Sebastjan

Pere Urbon-Bayes
Software Architect

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