To investigate, you can read the messages on the topic to figure out how consumer groups are committing. They're stored in a binary format, but you can make them human readable using a formatter. Here's what I did last time to do this - the classpath is required to make the formatter available to the console producer, but you could do this in code with Kafka as a dependency:
export CLASSPATH=/home/development/kafka_2.12-2.4.1/libs/* \ && /home/development/kafka_2.12-2.4.1/bin/ \ --bootstrap-server kafka01:9092 \ --topic __consumer_offsets \ --from-beginning \ --formatter "\$OffsetsMessageFormatter" > offsets.txt In case the email formatting garbles the above, here it is in a gist also <>. You can then parse and analyse the output data using your preferred scripting language. Hope that helps, Kind regards, Liam Clarke-Hutchinson On Thu, Jun 25, 2020 at 3:25 AM Karolis Pocius <> wrote: > Check if any of your consumers have auto commit turned off and instead > commit after processing each message. > > Also, even if all consumers are using auto commit, maybe some of them have > the interval set to something crazy low like 1 ms. > > On Sat, Jun 20, 2020 at 8:31 PM Ashutosh singh <> wrote: > > > Hi Guys, > > > > Hope you all are doing well. > > > > All of sudden I see very high throughput for _consumer_offsets topic. > it > > is around 30-40K per second. What could be the reason for such a high > > rate ? Do I need to be concerned around this ? > > > > [image: image.png] > > > > > > This happens for an hour and after that it goes down. Now it is > happening > > once or twice daily. > > > > I have 8 node cluster , 1000+ topics and 644 consumer groups. > > All nodes have almost equal number of lead partition across nodes and > > almost equal partition on all nodes. > > > > Kafka version : 2.1.1 > > > > If you see above graph, there are no other topics where messages are more > > than 300 Message/sec. only _consumer_offsets is having so high through > > put. > > > > I know this is internal topic ans store metadata of topics and consumer > > information. But I don't see anything abnormal in my cluster then why > > _consumer_offset topic is going crazy. What is going on here ? > > > > Any help will be appreciated. > > > > -- > > Thanx & Regard > > Ashutosh Singh > > 08151945559 > > > > >