Regards acks=all:
Interesting point. Will check acks and min.insync.replicas values.
If I understand the root cause that you are suggesting correctly, given my RF=2 
and 3 brokers in cluster:
min.insync.replicas > 1 and acks=all, removing one broker -------> partition 
that had a replica on the removed broker can't get written until the replica is 
up on another broker?

Regards number of partitions
The producer to this topic is using librdkafka, using partioner_cb callback, 
which receives number of partition as partitions_cnt.
Still trying to understand how the library obtains partitions_cnt value.
I wonder if the behavior is similar to Java library, where it the default 
partitioner uses the number of available partitions as the number of current 

On 17/05/2020, 20:59, "Peter Bukowinski" <> wrote:

    If your producer is set to use acks=all, then it won’t be able to produce 
to the topic topic partitions that had replicas on the missing broker until the 
replacement broker has finished catching up to be included in the ISR.
    What method are you using that reports on the number of topic partitions? 
If some partitions go offline, the cluster still knows how many there are 
supposed to be, so I’m curious what is reporting 10 when there should be 15.
    -- Peter
    > On May 17, 2020, at 10:36 AM, Victoria Zuberman 
<> wrote:
    > Hi,
    > Kafka cluster with 3 brokers, version 1.0.1.
    > Topic with 15 partitions, replication factor 2. All replicas in sync.
    > Bringing down one of the brokers (ungracefully), then adding a broker in 
version 1.0.1
    > During this process, are we expected either of the following to happen:
    >  1.  Some of the partitions become unavailable for producer to write to
    >  2.  Cluster reports the number of partitions at the topic as 10 and not 
    > It seems like both issues take place in our case, for about a minute.
    > We are trying to understand whether it is an expected behavior and if 
not, what can be causing it.
    > Thanks,
    > Victoria
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