>  wirite  to target database. I want to use self-written  java code
instead of kafka jdbc sink connector.

Out of interest, why do you want to do this? Why not use the JDBC sink
connector (or a fork of it if you need to amend its functionality)?


Robin Moffatt | Senior Developer Advocate | ro...@confluent.io | @rmoff

On Sat, 9 May 2020 at 03:38, wangl...@geekplus.com.cn <
wangl...@geekplus.com.cn> wrote:

> Using debezium to parse binlog, using avro serialization and send to kafka.
> Need to consume the avro serialized  binlog data and  wirite  to target
> database
> I want to use self-written  java code instead of kafka jdbc sink
> connector.
> How can i  reference the schema registry, convert a kafka message to
> corresponding table record and write to corresponding table?
> Is there any example code to do this ?
> Thanks,
> Lei
> wangl...@geekplus.com.cn

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