You can use below command

To generate the json file
./bin/ --zookeeper zookeeper_hoost:2181   
--generate  --topics-to-move-json-file test.json --broker-list 10,20,30  <-- 
list of broker id

To execute the reassign partition
./bin/ --zookeeper zookeeper_hoost:2181   --execute 
  --reassignment-json-file  changeTest.json

On 5/8/20, 12:22 PM, "Rajib Deb" <> wrote:


    It has three brokers



    -----Original Message-----
    From: <>
    Sent: Friday, May 8, 2020 12:18 PM
    Subject: Re: Change RF factor...


    How many broker you have on this cluster and what is content of -- 

    On 5/8/20, 12:16 PM, "Rajib Deb" <> wrote:


        Hi I have by mistake created a topic with replication factor of 1. I am 
trying to increase the replication, but I get the below error. Can anyone 
please let me know if I am doing anything wrong. The Topic is created with 
single partition(te_re-0).

        ./ --zookeeper xxxx:2181 --command-config --reassignment-json-file increase-replication-factor.json 

        Partitions reassignment failed due to The proposed assignment contains 
non-existent partitions: ListBuffer(test_results-0)
        kafka.common.AdminCommandFailedException: The proposed assignment 
contains non-existent partitions: ListBuffer(te_re-0)


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