>> What happens if the message timestamp is in the future?

If the difference if larger than
`log.message.timestamp.difference.max.ms` the write will be rejected.

This timestamp difference works both ways.


On 4/16/20 9:39 AM, Andrew Otto wrote:
> log.message.timestamp.difference.max.ms is the "The maximum difference
> allowed between the timestamp when a broker receives a message and the
> timestamp specified in the message.".
> What happens if the message timestamp is in the future?  We just
> encountered a problem where a producer set a timestamp a year in the
> future, which is keeping log segments with that message to not be deleted,
> causing disks to fill.  I'd like to reject messages with timestamps (too
> far) in the future.  Based on the way the docs are worded, I'd assume the
> difference will be negative in this case.
>   log.message.timestamp.difference.max.ms - futureTimestamp == -bigNumber
> Will the message be rejected or accepted in this case?
> Thanks!
> -Andrew Otto
>  @Wikimedia Foundation

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