This might help:

Note, that "global stores" are also "local" (ie, on local disk). The
difference is really between being sharded or being replicated.


On 4/29/20 11:28 AM, Bill Bejeck wrote:
> Hi Pushkar,
> There is a concept of a global store
> <>in
> Kafka Streams.
> The global state store has data from all partitions from the provided input
> topic, unlike a "regular" state store that only has data for the partitions
> of the streams task that owns the store.
> Note that global stores are still "local" because the store is materialized
> on the machine running the streams app. But it's considered "global"
> because it accesses all partitions of the input topic for the store.
> HTH,
> Bill
> On Wed, Apr 29, 2020 at 6:09 AM Pushkar Deole <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am looking for some information as to whether kafka state store
>> KeyValueStore is global or local only. I found that it can be in-memory or
>> made persistent which stores it in local Rocksdb and also logging can be
>> enabled so the state is backed by a topic which allows the state store to
>> be fault tolerant.
>> However the information that I am looking for is: whether the state store
>> can be global i.e. if the state written by one application is available to
>> the other application in real time even when both the applications are
>> running i.e. no rebalancing has triggered?

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