Hi All, I have a problem with the latest kafka release (2.4.0). Some consumer after few days running (2-3 days usually) have a problem to consume data, It does not receive any record. The consumer from client side seems to be active but inside the broker I can see that the consumer group is stuck in state PreparingRebalance. In the consumer group I can see two or more members one of which has all topics and partitions assigned. The problem is that this member it seems not be real (Member ID: (unassigned), Client ID: -, Hostname: -). The other member related to my real client (with correct Member ID, Client ID, Hostname) have no topics and partitions assigned.
This problem is resolved only with a broker restart, any other test like restart the consumer does not allow to consume again the data anymore. If I try to verify the status of the consumer group by command line the result is always the same (rebalancing). Anyone has an idea? Regards [D12FFF36] Antonio R. Iorfino IT Consultant [65048B4] ALTEN SWITZERLAND AG Riedstrasse 11, 6330 Cham The information contained in this e-mail and any attachments are intended solely for the addressees. If you have received this email in error, please contact the sender and delete the email from your system. All personal details are treated in accordance with the relevant data protection regulations, in particular GDPR. Click here<https://www.alten.com/data-privacy-information/> for more information about the collect of your personal data Diese Nachricht und allf?llige angeh?ngte Dokumente sind vertraulich und nur f?r den/die Adressaten bestimmt. Sollten Sie nicht der beabsichtigte Adressat sein, bitten wir den Absender zu verst?ndigen und die Information zu vernichten. Alle personenbezogenen Daten werden gem?? den einschl?gigen Datenschutzrechtlichen Vorschriften, insbesondere DSGVO, mit h?chster Vertraulichkeit behandelt. Weitere Informationen zur Erhebung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten finden Sie hier<https://www.alten.ch/de/external-data-privacy-de/>. Ce message et toutes les pi?ces jointes sont ?tablis ? l'intention exclusive de ses destinataires et sont confidentiels. Si vous recevez ce message par erreur, merci de le d?truire et d'en avertir imm?diatement l'exp?diteur. Vos donn?es personnelles sont trait?es conform?ment aux lois et r?glements en mati?re de protection des donn?es, notamment le RGPD. Pour en savoir plus sur le traitement de vos donn?es personnelles, cliquez ici. <https://www.alten.ch/fr/external-data-privacy-fr/>