Logs say to build it. Have you done that ? ./gradlew jarAll
Le ven. 17 avr. 2020 à 13:21, Naveen Kumar M <eai.naveenkuma...@gmail.com> a écrit : > Hello Team, > > I have downloaded Source download: kafka-2.4.0-src.tgz > <https://archive.apache.org/dist/kafka/2.4.0/kafka-2.4.0-src.tgz> (asc > <https://archive.apache.org/dist/kafka/2.4.0/kafka-2.4.0-src.tgz.asc>, > sha512 > <https://archive.apache.org/dist/kafka/2.4.0/kafka-2.4.0-src.tgz.sha512>) > and trying to configure by referring below link to run Kafka server on > windows. > > https://dzone.com/articles/running-apache-kafka-on-windows-os > > Zookeeper started successfully, but while starting Kafka server, getting > below error all the time. > > C:\KafkaCluster\kafka-2.4.0\bin\windows>kafka-server-start.bat > C:\KafkaCluster\kafka-2.4.0\config\server.properties > Classpath is empty. Please build the project first e.g. by running 'gradlew > jarAll' > > Could you please help me to resolve this issue and run Kafka server on > windows? > > This will be great help:) > > Thanks and regards, > Naveen > -- *Nicolas Carlot* Lead dev | | nicolas.car...@chronopost.fr *Veuillez noter qu'à partir du 20 mai, le siège Chronopost déménage. La nouvelle adresse est : 3 boulevard Romain Rolland 75014 Paris* [image: Logo Chronopost] | chronopost.fr <http://www.chronopost.fr/> Suivez nous sur Facebook <https://fr-fr.facebook.com/chronopost> et Twitter <https://twitter.com/chronopost>. [image: DPD Group]