Hi I'm really excited about the new release for KafkaStreams. I've been watching the new CoGroup feature, and now that this is out, I'm trying to play around with it. I wonder what would be the best way to do a KTable.leftJoin(otherTable).leftJoin(yetAnotherTable)... Taking the Customer example in the KIP ( https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-150+-+Kafka-Streams+Cogroup), how would one do the cogroup if we had a Customer topic as well?
In the old API, we would have KTable<Long, Customer> customer = builder.table("customer"); KTable<K, V1> carts = builder.table("carts").groupByKey().aggregate(initializer1, aggregator1, materialized1); KTable<K, V2> purchases = builder.stream("purchases").groupByKey().aggregate(initializer2, aggregator2, materialized2); KTable<K, CG> final = customer.leftJoin(carts, joinerOneAndTwo).leftJoin(purchases, joinerOneTwoAndThree); Thanks Murilo