I saw that and to me it sounded like the EOL was one year. Timothy Gaudet Linux Engineer General Dynamics Information Technology _Intelligence Solututions Div. (ISD) US BICES-X and Intelligence Programs Tampa, FL. 813-826-0110 001282659 BICES timothy.gau...@gdit.com timothy.d.gaudet....@socom.mil timothy.gaudet.ctr...@usa.bices.org
-----Original Message----- From: Guozhang Wang <wangg...@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, April 7, 2020 1:46 PM To: users@kafka.apache.org Subject: Re: EOL Hello Tim, The following link should be the source of truth for EOL policy: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/Time+Based+Release+Plan#TimeBasedReleasePlan-WhatIsOurEOLPolicy? Guozhang On Tue, Apr 7, 2020 at 5:54 AM Gaudet, Timothy <timothy.gau...@gdit.com> wrote: > Hello, > > I am trying to find the End of Life (EOL) of the current version of > Kafka. I found links that showed tables and probably answered the > question, but I found them to be a bit confusing. Can someone just > give me a version number and the EOL for that version? If there is a > set time period for the EOL that would be very helpful too. > > Timothy Gaudet > Linux Engineer > General Dynamics Information Technology _Intelligence Solututions Div. > (ISD) > US BICES-X and Intelligence Programs > Tampa, FL. > 813-826-0110 > 001282659 BICES > timothy.gau...@gdit.com<mailto:timothy.gau...@gdit.com> > timothy.d.gaudet....@socom.mil<mailto:timothy.d.gaudet....@socom.mil> > timothy.gaudet.ctr...@usa.bices.org<mailto: > timothy.gaudet.ctr...@usa.bices.org> > > > -- -- Guozhang