Hi Nitay,

What version were you running before the upgrade? And was this a broker
upgrade? I would suggest filing a JIRA ticket, including as much
information as possible and ideally consumer and broker logs from the
period where the issue happened.


On Sun, Apr 5, 2020, 10:13 AM Nitay Kufert <nita...@ironsrc.com> wrote:

> Hey,
> We are using kafka streams across our tech stack for the last 2-3 years.
> Lately, we moved to kafka 2.4.1 and we started noticing a troubling
> behaviour that we didn't see before:
> Without apparent reason, a specific partition on a specific consumer loses
> its offset, with the following messages appearing on the consumer:
>> [Consumer clientId=consumer-XConsumerGroup4-2, groupId=XConsumerGroup4]
>> Fetch offset 1222791071 is out of range for partition SomeTopic-48,
>> resetting offset:
>  [Consumer clientId=consumer-XConsumerGroup4-2, groupId=XConsumerGroup4]
>> Resetting offset for partition SomeTopic-48 to offset 1216430527.:
> from the broker, the only thing i could find is:
>> BrokerId 1033 is no longer a coordinator for the group XConsumerGroup4. 
>> Proceeding cleanup for other alive groups
> Another way to see the same thing, from our monitoring (DD):
> [image: Screen Shot 2020-04-05 at 16.32.19.png]
> The recovery you are seeing is after I run partition offset reset manually
> (using kafka-consumer-groups.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic
> SomeTopic:57 --group XConsumerGroup4 --reset-offsets --to-datetime
> '2020-04-02T07:00:00.000')
> Any idea what can be causing this? we have it happen to us at least 5
> times since the upgrade, and before that i don't remember it even happening
> to us.
> Let me know if you need more data from me
> Thanks
> --
> Nitay Kufert
> Backend Team Leader
> [image: ironSource] <http://www.ironsrc.com>
> email nita...@ironsrc.com
> mobile +972-54-5480021
> fax +972-77-5448273
> skype nitay.kufert.ssa
> 121 Menachem Begin St., Tel Aviv, Israel
> ironsrc.com <http://www.ironsrc.com>
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