Hi Sönke,

OK, thanks, so compacted topics is supported, but an exact replica (i.e. Kafka 
records at the same offsets) of the original topic is not possible as there is 
nothing to replicate. Is my understanding correct?


Pirow Engelbrecht | Senior Design Engineer
Tel +27 12 678 9740 (ext. 9879) | Cell +27 63 148 3376

76 Regency Drive | Irene | Centurion | 0157<https://goo.gl/maps/v9ZbwjqpPyL2>


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From: Sönke Liebau <soenke.lie...@opencore.com.INVALID>
Sent: Wednesday, 18 March 2020 12:14 PM
To: users@kafka.apache.org
Subject: Re: Mirrormaker 2.0 and compacted topics

Hi Pirow,

as far as I understand MirrorMaker 2.0 will not treat compacted topics any
different from uncompacted topics.

What that means for your scenario is that your replication may miss some
messages in the case of a long unavailability, if those messages were
compacted in the meantime. However, your replicated topic will always
receive the latest message per key so be "up-to-date" once MM is running

Not sure if that answers your question?

Best regards,

On Wed, 18 Mar 2020 at 09:18, Pirow Engelbrecht <
pirow.engelbre...@etion.co.za<mailto:pirow.engelbre...@etion.co.za>> wrote:

> Hello,
> We’re currently trying to evaluate Mirrormaker 2.0 for future
> inter-cluster replication, replacing our bespoke replicator. I understand
> that Mirrormaker 2.0 documentation is only slated to be released in Kafka
> 2.5.0, but I was hoping that someone will know whether Mirrormaker 2.0 can
> be used to replicate compacted topics? I am especially interested in the
> case where a cluster has been off-line for a few hours and have to catch up
> via replication and the topic has been compacted since it was last seen by
> the off-line cluster.
> Thanks
> *Pirow Engelbrecht *| Senior Design Engineer
> *Tel* +27 12 678 9740 (ext. 9879) | *Cell* +27 63 148 3376
> 76 Regency Drive | Irene | Centurion | 0157
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Sönke Liebau
Tel. +49 179 7940878
OpenCore GmbH & Co. KG - Thomas-Mann-Straße 8 - 22880 Wedel - Germany

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