Hi Eugen,

The first line of config log.flush.interval.messages=1 will make Kafka
force an fsync(2) for every produce requests.
The second line of config is not sufficient for periodic flush, you
also need to update log.flush.scheduler.interval.ms which is Long.Max
by default (in which case period-based flush doesn't happen).

The impact you observe is expected - fsync(2) requires block I/O
operations which can be orders of magnitude longer than page cache

Why would you like to sync on every commit? For durability guarantee
on commits, the standard approach in Kafka is to rely on replication
rather than physical disk writes. Also, note that even an fsync(2)
does not provide you the guarantee data has been physically written,
since data also has to go through other layers such as disk caches.

Le sam. 7 mars 2020 à 10:56, Eugen Dueck <eu...@tworks.co.jp> a écrit :
> I was under the impression that these settings
> log.flush.interval.messages=1
> log.flush.interval.ms=0
> guarantee a synchronous fsync for every message, i.e.when the producer 
> receives an ack for a message, it is guaranteed to have been persisted to as 
> many disks as min.insync.replicas requires.
> As I have heard other opinions on that, I'd like to know if someone in the 
> Kafka community can clarify.
> Best regards
> Eugen
> ________________________________
> 差出人: Eugen Dueck <eu...@tworks.co.jp>
> 送信日時: 2020年2月26日 13:28
> 宛先: users@kafka.apache.org <users@kafka.apache.org>
> 件名: synchronously flushing messages to disk
> Hi
> I want to benchmark Kafka, configured such that a message that has been acked 
> by the broker to the producer is guaranteed to have been persisted to disk. I 
> changed the broker settings:
> log.flush.interval.messages=1
> log.flush.interval.ms=0
> (Is this the proper way to do it?)
> The impact is very noticeable. Whereas without these settings, the msg/sec 
> rate (1 producer, 1 topic, async, enable.idempotence) was well north of 100k, 
> with above settings it drops to below 5k on this dev box with ssd storage. 
> This huge drop seems to indicate that Kafka is not doing any batch acking 
> (which would allow it to do batch fsyncing).
> Is there a way to increase the msg/sec rate given the fsync constraint? It 
> would seem that adding topics/partitions would help in case of a cluster, and 
> the fsync load could be distributed to multiple machines. Is there perhaps 
> also a way to increase the rate per node?
> I'm using the latest kafka 2.4.0.
> Best regards
> Eugen

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