Whether your brokers have a single data directory or multiple data directories 
on separate disks, when a disk fails, the topic partitions located on that disk 
become unavailable. What happens next depends on how your cluster and topics 
are configured.

If the topics on the affected broker have replicas and the minimum ISR (in-sync 
replicas) count is met, then all topic partitions will remain online and 
leaders will move to another broker. Producers and consumers will continue to 
operate as usual.

If the topics don’t have replicas or the minimum ISR count is not met, then the 
topic partitions on the failed disk will be offline. Producers can still send 
data to the affected topics — it will just go to the online partitions. 
Consumers can still consume data from the online partitions.

-- Peter

> On Mar 2, 2020, at 7:00 PM, 张祥 <xiangzhang1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi community,
> I ran into disk failure when using Kafka, and fortunately it did not crash
> the entire cluster. So I am wondering how Kafka handles multiple disks and
> it manages to work in case of single disk failure. The more detailed, the
> better. Thanks !

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