Hi Richard,

Yes, it's the size in bytes for all log segments for a given
topic/partition on a given broker, without the index files:

[gpaggi@kafkalog001 ~]$ kafka-log-dirs.sh --bootstrap-server
$(hostname -f):9092  --describe --broker-list 1 --topic-list
access_logs | tail -n+3 | jq '.brokers[].logDirs[].partitions[] |
select(.partition == "access_logs-1")'
  "partition": "access_logs-1",
  "size": 385505944,
  "offsetLag": 0,
  "isFuture": false
[gpaggi@kafkalog001 ~]$ du -bc /var/lib/kafka/data/access_logs-1/*.log
367401290 /var/lib/kafka/data/access_logs-1/00000000000245067429.log
18104654 /var/lib/kafka/data/access_logs-1/00000000000246918163.log
385505944 total
[gpaggi@kafkalog001 ~]$

On Wed, 26 Feb 2020 at 15:33, Richard Rossel <henhis...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks Gabriele, it turned out I didn't have that pattern deployed (facepalm).
> After deploying it , worked right away.
> Now I'm struggling with understanding the size metric. Do you know if
> it's reporting the size (in bytes) of all segments for that
> broker/topic/partition?
> I'm trying to compare those values with the actual Log file, but
> doesn't seems to match exactly.
> Sorry for those questions, but can't find a good documentation and I'm
> lost reading
> core/src/main/scala/kafka/log/Log.scala
> Thanks for your help.-


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