
We have a cluster of 10 brokers.
recently we replaced some broken HDDs on a single broker (id 2 for future 
reference), all data on this broker was erased.
We have a replication factor of 3 minimum on all our topics so no data was lost.

To add the broker to the cluster again I configured it with the same broker id 
than before, assuming the replication will take care of everything. This worked 
and after a couple hours the cluster was fully up to date with no under 
replicated partitions.

Although this worked, this replication had a visible inpact on the load of the 
cluster and on some consumers especially.
During replication broker 2 almost always capped the 1Gbps link, there was 
around 3TB to transfer. 

Before bootstrapping the node I applied the following configurations thinking 
it would work:

    for i in (seq 1 11) ; kafka-configs.sh --zookeeper --alter 
--entity-type brokers --add-config 
 --entity-name $i ; end

but it didn't seem to do anything. After reading 
https://kafka.apache.org/11/documentation.html#rep-throttle I think these 
config may not be do what I want, it looks like the throttling must be 
configured with leader.replication.throttled.replicas and 
follower.replication.throttled.replicas for each topic ?

Basically, I'm looking for a way to tell a broker to throttle itself globally 
at for example 100 Mbps. Is there an easy way for me do to this ?

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