Hi Kafka community, We're running Kafka 2.4 and facing a pretty strange situation. Let's say there were three brokers in the cluster 0, 1, and 2. Then: 1. Broker 3 was added. 2. Partitions were reassigned from broker 0 to broker 3. 3. Broker 0 was shut down (not gracefully) and removed from the cluster. 4. We see the following state in ZooKeeper:
ls /brokers/ids [1, 2, 3] get /brokers/topics/foo {"version":2,"partitions":{"0":[2,1,3]},"adding_replicas":{},"removing_replicas":{}} get /brokers/topics/foo/partitions/0/state {"controller_epoch":123,"leader":1,"version":1,"leader_epoch":42,"isr":[0,2,3,1]} It means, the dead broker 0 remains in the partitions's ISR. A big share of the partitions in the cluster have this issue. What would you recommend to get the cluster out of this situation? Controller re-election doesn't help. Should we directly edit partitions' state to remove the dead broker? Or there's some better/safer way? Thank you. Ivan