Hi, I have a question about KIP-302 and its PR & Jira ticket.
I believe I understand the whole thing apart from one bit. In the Jira and the PR it says: "our use case is for multiple load balancers fronting the Kafka cluster. The Kafka advertised listeners advertise hostnames that the DNS server maps to the IP of all LBs not just one. If one LBs isn't available, but the client is able to use another IP for the same hostname (it connects to the 2nd LB for example) the service stays available." We don't quite understand the setup but would like to: * The advertised listeners advertise a LB * Client now talks to this LB thinking it talks to the "proper" Kafka broker for its partition * LB does....??? At some point, the client needs to talk to the single actual server that's responsible for that piece of data, no? We don't quite understand the scenario. Can someone explain to use what's meant here and maybe also how Load Balancer play a role here? We understand that a LB can be useful for the initial request (Fetch Metadata) but not sure how it'll work with actual data requests. Are we missing something obvious? Probably :) Cheers, Lars