
I am pretty sure this was intentional. All skipped records log
messages are on WARN level.

If a lot of your records are skipped on app restart with this log
message on WARN-level, they were also skipped with the log message on
DEBUG-level. You simply did not know about it before. With an
in-memory window store, this message is logged when a window with a
start time older than the current stream time minus the retention
period is put into the window store, i.e., the window is NOT inserted
into the window stroe. If you get a lot of them on app restart, you
should have a look at the timestamps of your records and the retention
of your window store. If those values do not explain the behavior,
please try to find a minimal example that shows the issue and post it
here on the mailing list.

On Mon, Feb 10, 2020 at 2:27 PM Samek, Jiří <sa...@avast.com.invalid> wrote:
> Hi,
> in
> https://github.com/apache/kafka/commit/9f5a69a4c2d6ac812ab6134e64839602a0840b87#diff-a5cfe68a5931441eff5f00261653dd10R134
> log level of "Skipping record for expired segment" was changed from debug
> to warn. Was it intentional change? Should it be somehow handled by user?
> How can user handle it? I am getting a lot of these on app restart.

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