
Do you track these metrics with JMX and can you see if there are any
differences between your brokers?

- Number of client requests (fetch, consume, and follower) per second per
- Message in rate per second per broker

Is your 80mB/sec rate the outgoing traffic for the entire server and not
just the Kafka process? Is it possible there's another program on that
server that's transferring more data?

- Harper

On Fri, Feb 7, 2020 at 1:38 PM Dylan Martin <dmar...@istreamplanet.com>

> Hi all!
> I have a cluster of about 20 brokers and one of them is transmitting about
> 4 times as much data as the others (80mB/sec vs 20mB/sec).  It has the
> roughly the same number of topics & partitions and it's the leader for the
> same number as all the other brokers.  The kafka-manager web tool doesn't
> say it's doing a particuarly large amount of work.  Datadog  & iftop both
> agree that it's sending out 4 times as much traffic as any of the others.
> It's very consistent, in that it's been this way for weeks.
> Any advice on how to track down what's going on?
> Thanks!
> -Dylan
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