Hi, Using kafka-configs, i wanted to update the broker truststore location to the new truststore:
C:\>kafka-configs.cmd --bootstrap-server kafka-server:9443 --entity-type brokers --entity-name 1 --command-config kafka-brokers.properties --alter --add-config 'listener.name.ssl.ssl.truststore.location=/the/new/truststore/kafka-new.jks' Completed updating config for broker: 1. But when i list the dynamic configuration it displays the new location as null : C:\>kafka-configs.cmd --bootstrap-server kafka-server:9443 --entity-type brokers --entity-name 1 --describe --command-config kafka-brokers.properties Configs for broker 1 are: 'listener.name.ssl.ssl.truststore.location=null sensitive=true synonyms={DYNAMIC_BROKER_CONFIG:'listener.name.ssl.ssl.truststore.location=null} So i am wondering if this is a bug, or some commandline trickery that i need to do to make it accept the new path name ? Thanks, Jorg