Hey Tim

On Fri, 31 Jan 2020 at 13:06, Sullivan, Tim <tim_sulli...@homedepot.com>

>             Is there a way I can proactively check my consumers to see if
> they are consuming? Periodically some or all of my consumers stop
> consuming. The only way I am made aware of this is when my down stream
> feeds folks alert me that their data isn’t flowing into Kafka. My normal
> solution is to bump the kafka servers and then they begin to consume.
>             Any help will be greatly appreciated.

 Does using Burrow <https://github.com/linkedin/Burrow> help you?

Also, using cruise-control <https://github.com/linkedin/cruise-control> you
could dynamically rebalance the workload, if some consumers are not in
steady state.


> Tim Sullivan
> Be Well
> Sr. Software Engineer
> Supply Chain – IT | Data & Analytics
> The Home Depot
> 2250 Newmarket Parkway | Atlanta, GA 30339
> Work Cell 470-455-8346
> Personal Cell 678-525-2583
> Home Phone:  770-945-3315
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