Am I right that the configuration that is actually being used will come
from the leader? Well, except the exception like the bootstrap list...

Asking because I'd like to have a clear process to change the configuration
in a way that at the end of the process I can be sure that all nodes use
the new configuration.

So assuming that I have a 2+ node MM2 cluster, all nodes has the same
configuration and I'd like to change the configuration for the cluster, I
plan to restart each node after each other with the new configuration. When
I change configuration, I change it to the same on all nodes. Am I right
that at the end I can be sure that the cluster uses the new configuration,
because on the process I will bounce the leader for sure with the new

I actually plan to run it on Kubernetes, so I am using a rolling restart on
I only have one mirroring path, but I guess this would work if I have more
paths as well.


On Thu, 16 Jan 2020 at 16:36, Ryanne Dolan <> wrote:

> MM2 nodes only communicate via Kafka -- no connection is required between
> them.
> To reconfigure, a rolling restart probably won't do what you expect, since
> the configuration is always dictated by a single leader. Once the leader is
> bounced, it will broadcast the new configuration via Kafka. If you bounce a
> follower, it will still use the old configuration.
> It's slightly more complicated than that actually, since there are multiple
> connectors in each cluster->cluster "herder". When there are multiple
> clusters being replicated, there may be dozens of leaders. So a rolling
> restart might be a good idea for larger deployments.
> And technically there are some properties that do affect followers, e.g. a
> follower will read connection info like bootstrap.servers directly from
>, not from the leader via Kafka. Obviously that would be a
> chicken-egg problem otherwise! So a rolling restart would be prudent when
> making such changes.
> So I guess, generally speaking, rolling restarts are a good idea -- just be
> advised that it won't necessarily behave as you expect.
> Ryanne
> On Thu, Jan 16, 2020, 7:55 AM Péter Sinóros-Szabó
> <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I run two instances of MM2 with the command
> >
> > Q1., Is there any requirement to cluster MM2? Like a network connection
> > between the nodes? How do MM2 coordinate the work between nodes?
> >
> > Q2., Assuming I run two instances and want to update the configuration,
> > should it work if I rolling restart the nodes after each other? It seems
> > that after the restart both nodes still run with the old configuration.
> So
> > what should be the correct way of reconfiguring a MM2 cluster?
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Peter
> >

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