Any take on this very specific question?

Anindya Haldar
Oracle Responsys

> On Jan 15, 2020, at 1:59 PM, Anindya Haldar <> wrote:
> Okay, let’s say
> - the application is using a non-transactional producer, shared across 
> multiple threads
> - the and buffer.memory is non-zero, and so is batch.size such that 
> messages are actually batched
> - the replication factor is 3
> - the minimum number of ISRs is 2
> - the parameter ack is set to ‘all’
> Now the application calls send(), get a future back, and then calls get() on 
> the future. At some point (driven by the batching related parameters and a 
> number of other factors) the get() call to the future returns successfully.
> Precisely at this point does Kafka guarantee that the message has been 
> persisted to the leader’s and all the ISRs’ logs? By persisted, I mean 
> written to the replication logs, but may or may not yet have been committed 
> to the storage media by the fsync() call.
> If the answer is yes, it looks good from here. If the answer is no, then what 
> else does the application need to do?
> Sincerely,
> Anindya Haldar
> Oracle Responsys
>> On Jan 15, 2020, at 12:31 PM, M. Manna <> wrote:
>> Hey Anindya,
>> On Wed, 15 Jan 2020 at 18:23, Anindya Haldar <>
>> wrote:
>>> Thanks for the response.
>>> Essentially, we are looking for a confirmation that a send acknowledgement
>>> received at the client’s end will ensure the message is indeed persisted to
>>> the replication logs. We initially wondered whether the client has to make
>>> an explicit flush() call or whether it has to commit a producer transaction
>>> for that to happen. Based upon what I understand now from your response, a
>>> flush() or commitTransaction() call should not be necessary for this, and a
>>> send acknowledgement via the successful return from the get() call on the
>>> future will ensure the persistence of the message.
>>> Please feel free to correct me if I didn’t get it right.
>> I'm sure you have done the reading, but to be in context of your question,
>> *commitTransaction()* is sufficient on it's own (see excerpt from *flush()*
>> doc below)
>> *Applications don't need to call this method for transactional producers,
>>> since the commitTransaction() will flush all buffered records before
>>> performing the commit. This ensures that all the send(ProducerRecord) calls
>>> made since the previous beginTransaction() are completed before the
>>> commit. *
>> But you *do *need to call commitTransaction() (for txn based producers),
>> or flush() (for normal cases) to send the records *immediately*. Otherwise,
>> they will be sent when the data buffer is full (re: buffer.memory and
>> If you want to know more about transactions, there are some nice articles
>> regarding txn producers
>> Also, if you are interested to become more technical, please check the
>> codebase for KafkaProducer and see what doSend() and wakeup() is doing:
>> I hope this helps.
>> Regards,
>>> Sincerely,
>>> Anindya Haldar
>>> Oracle Responsys
>>>> On Jan 15, 2020, at 8:55 AM, M. Manna <> wrote:
>>>> Anindya,
>>>> On Wed, 15 Jan 2020 at 16:49, Anindya Haldar <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> In our case, the minimum in-sync replicas is set to 2.
>>>>> Given that, what will be expected behavior for the scenario I outlined?
>>>> This means you will get confirmation when 2 of them have acknowledged. so
>>>> you will always have 2 in-sync.
>>>> Perhaps drilling each detail and having a long thread, you could explain
>>>> what is it you are trying to investigate/identify? We will be happy to
>>> help.
>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Sincerely,
>>>>> Anindya Haldar
>>>>> Oracle Responsys
>>>>>> On Jan 15, 2020, at 6:38 AM, Ismael Juma <> wrote:
>>>>>> To all the in-sync replicas. You can set the minimum number of in-sync
>>>>>> replicas via the min.insync.replicas topic/broker config.
>>>>>> Ismael
>>>>>> On Tue, Jan 14, 2020 at 11:11 AM Anindya Haldar <
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> I have a question related to the semantics of a producer send and the
>>>>> get
>>>>>>> calls on the future returned by the send call.
>>>>>>> - It is a Java application, using the Kafka Java client library
>>>>>>> - The application is set up to use 3 replicas and using acks=all for
>>> the
>>>>>>> producer
>>>>>>> - the application is using a non-zero value for and
>>>>> batch.size
>>>>>>> parameters
>>>>>>> - The application is using a single non-transactional Kafka producer
>>>>>>> instance, shared across a number of threads
>>>>>>> With that,
>>>>>>> - Any application thread makes a send() call on the producer.
>>>>>>> - Then the same thread calls get() on the future returned by the last
>>>>>>> send() call
>>>>>>> - The get() call on the future returns after it gets the
>>> acknowledgement
>>>>>>> from the system for the message send
>>>>>>> At this point, is it guaranteed that the message has actually been
>>>>> written
>>>>>>> (but may not be committed by calling fsync) to ALL of the replicas’
>>>>>>> filesystems?
>>>>>>> Sincerely,
>>>>>>> Anindya Haldar
>>>>>>> Oracle Responsys

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