Hi George, Since you mentioned CDC specifically you might want to check out Debezium ( https://debezium.io/) which operates as a connector of the sort Robin referred to and does CDC for MySQL and others.
Cheers, Tom On Wed, Jan 15, 2020 at 10:18 AM Robin Moffatt <ro...@confluent.io> wrote: > The integration part of Apache Kafka that you're talking about is > called Kafka Connect. Kafka Connect runs as its own process, known as > a Kafka Connect Worker, either on its own or as part of a cluster. Kafka > Connect will usually be deployed on a separate instance from the Kafka > brokers. > > Kafka Connect connectors will usually connect to the external system over > the network if that makes sense (e.g. a database) but not always (e.g. if > its acting as a syslog endpoint, or maybe processing local files). > > You can learn more about Kafka Connect and its deployment model here: > https://rmoff.dev/crunch19-zero-to-hero-kafka-connect > > > -- > > Robin Moffatt | Senior Developer Advocate | ro...@confluent.io | @rmoff > > > On Wed, 15 Jan 2020 at 03:43, George <george...@gmail.com> wrote: > > > Hi all. > > > > Please advise, a real noob here still, unpacking how the stack still > > works... > > > > if I have a mySQL server, or a web server, or a 2 node JBOSS cluster. > > > > If I want to use the mysql connector to connect to the MySQL DB to pull > > data using CDC... then I need to install the Kafka stack on the DB > server, > > I understand that this will be a stand alone install, assume with no > > zookeeper involved. > > > > Similarly for the apache web server and the 2 JBOSS servers > > > > G > > > > -- > > You have the obligation to inform one honestly of the risk, and as a > person > > you are committed to educate yourself to the total risk in any activity! > > > > Once informed & totally aware of the risk, > > every fool has the right to kill or injure themselves as they see fit! > > >