Hello, I am trying to setup a replication between 2 clusters with MM2. The goal is to be able to disksnapshot the secondary cluster for backups hence we only want one broker on the secondary cluster. It's very important for us that we can replicate the offsets which MM2 should solve for us.
Cluster: A=primary B=secondary Primary cluster have 3 brokers and secondary has one broker. My first attempt was as standalone worker. This attempt yielded replication of the topics but no topics for offsets were created. MM2 configuration replication.factor = 1 was honored. Since I did not get any offsets in standalone mode I decided to test cluster mode. Secondary attempt was running MM2 in cluster mode(still one broker in secondary cluster) however the problem I get here is that MM2 tries to write the messages with a replication of 3 to the secondary cluster. In this case MM2 seem to create the offset topics but fail when trying to create them. Giving: org.apache.kafka.connect.errors.ConnectException: Error while attempting to create/find topic(s) 'mm2-offsets.A.internal' ... ... InvalidReplicationFactorException: Replication factor: 3 larger than available brokers: 1 ... I have tried setting these config value in the properties config but they do not seem to be honored: replication.factor = 1 A.replication.factor = 1 B.replication.factor = 1 BR Nils