Peter, that's right. So long as ReplicationPolicy is implemented with proper semantics (i.e. the methods do what they say they should do) any naming convention will work. You can also use something like double underscore "__" as a separator with DefaultReplicationPolicy -- it doesn't need to be a single character.
Ryanne On Thu, Jan 9, 2020, 7:24 AM Péter Sinóros-Szabó <> wrote: > Hi Ryanne, > > Am I right that as far as I implement ReplicationPolicy properly, those > features you just mentioned will work fine? > > Asking because we already use dot(.) underscore(_) and even hyphen(-) > characters in not replicated topics :D , so it seems to be that we will > need a more advanced renaming convention if we plan to use those mentioned > features. Or we'll need to rename topics, but that's a huge task I'd like > to avoid... > > Thanks, > Peter >